suzumethe new film by the director of his name premieres today, April 14th, in Spanish cinemas Suzume No Tojimari is…
culture and leisure
The light of the Ateneo de Madrid
Two centuries searching for light to collect the great jewels of the archive of the bicentennial institution The spectacular library of the Ateneo de …
“The Wonder Room”: a hopeful story
Opens on April 21st in cinemas, produced by M&filmes, Jerico, SND Films, Orange Cinéma Series, Ciné+ and OCS…
'The healing power of silence', Belén Colomina's book to transform the mind
Belén Colomina brings us closer to well-being through meditation Belén Colomina, health psychologist, humanist psychotherapist and author of books…
“Arbonaida” is the new single by Marina Villegas
“Arbonaida” is the new single by Marina Villegas
'El Silencio' with Arón Piper and Manu Ríos on Netflix on May 19
Miniseries created by Aitor Gabilondo starring Elite actors Arón Piper and Manu Ríos Netflix today revealed the …
Vargas Llosa, García Márquez and a punch of cinema
After 25 years of work, Jaime Bayly will publish one of his most controversial novels. The Peruvian writer and journalist…
RTVE premieres 'Patients of Dr. García' by Almudena Grandes
The series will star Javier Rey, Verónica Echégui and Tamar Novas The adaptation of the children's room Episodes of a …
The VIII edition of the 'Poetry for Getafe' festival begins
Cultural activities in the southern capital of Madrid from April 14 to 23 The mayor of Getafe, Sara Hernández,…