
LEGANÉS/8 OCT 13/CULTURA_ The San Nicasio neighborhood welcomed thousands of people last weekend to celebrate its festivities. The Medieval Market was one of the biggest attractions along with the new Fairground Fairground.

Noemí Selas, Councilor for Citizen Security and Parties, opened the event on Friday and expressed her satisfaction with the large number of people, remembering that “this year a lot of emphasis was placed, in addition to the quantity and quality of the stands, on the decoration, the content and attractions for little ones”.


The new Attractions Fair at the San Nicasio Fairgrounds featured 25 attractions of all types throughout the festive period.

Furthermore, accompanying this first weekend of activities in San Nicasio, the XXXIII Corda Popular Leganés took place, which had a huge participation as it is one of the most anticipated events each year by residents.
