
A spectacular mural with large-scale portraits renders Tribute to ten Spanish jurists in the Aluche neighborhood of Madrid, for his contribution to the advancement of equal rights. The vice-mayor of Madrid, Begoña Villacís, inaugurated today, together with the councilor of the Latina neighborhood, Alberto Serrano, this commemorative work of urban art that decorates the exterior facade of the open-air auditorium in the Cerro Almodóvar park, headquarters of the Espacio de Equality Maria de Maeztu.

At the 'Mural Space for Equality María de Maeztu' jurists from different eras are portrayed, from the 19th century to the present: Concepción Arenal (1820-1893), Clara Campoamor (1888-1972), Mercedes Formica (1913-2002), María Telo (1915-2014), Raimunda de Peñafort (1952-2012), Cristina Alberdi, Emilia Casas, Elisa Pérez Vera, Adela Asúa and Paca Sauquillo. And it was this last jurist, historic activist for peace and human rights and current vice-president of the Spanish Voluntary Platform, who spoke on behalf of the ten protagonists.


Villacís, who assured that she feels represented by all these women, showed herself “very proud to leave this legacy in the city of Madrid, to teach girls that it doesn't matter what they think ideologically, that We are women who have to move forward”.

Mural feminista em Aluche |  Sou de

At the inauguration, which was attended by the delegate for Family, Equality and Social Action, Pepe Aniorte, and the councilor for Territorial Coordination, Transparency and Citizen Participation, Silvia Saavedra, some of the jurists portrayed and family members of the mural's protagonists metas well as representatives from the Network of Spaces for Equality of the City Council and the Madrid Bar Association, among other social agents.


Very proud to leave this legacy in the city of Madrid, to teach girls that it doesn't matter what they think ideologically, that we are women who must move forward

Beautify the urban environment

The Art and Muralism studiospecialized in painting murals on large surfaces, was in charge of the artistic intervention throughout the month of March under the creative direction of Luis Olasowho has worked from photographic portraits to recreate faces with a painterly appearance.

With this mural work, the Latina City Council wants to give a Greater visibility for the new María de Maeztu Equality Space which, from now on, has an image of great visual impact, at the same time as it has restored the exterior of the Cerro Almodóvar park auditorium, a unique amphitheater where open-air concerts are held, now transformed into a more welcoming space with a message , at 136 Marcelino Castillo Street. This urban art intervention adds to those already carried out in the Latina neighborhood in the kiosks in Aluche Park that house the independent living offices for people with intellectual disabilities (OVIDI) of the City of Madrid Council.

The final touch of the inauguration of the 'Mural Espacio de Igualdad María de Maeztu' had the concert by the band The Intrepid Girls Clubwho has performed at the amphitheater with a repertoire of iconic songs by singers and authors from different eras.