Organic, simple, even naive forms. the painting of Lanceolada Almudena (Seville, 1984) experienced a simplification of your reasons since she moved to Madrid and is a mother, a transition from the darker narrative, the one she worked on in her previous exhibition The monster's christening.
He then recreated ghostly places that witnessed the massive, nocturnal and anti-clerical civil baptism of 6 children – an event little recognized by current historiography and which occurred during the Civil War. Today the shine from the depiction of an animal house, he talks about a carpenter bee with no time for sadness.
The pictorial turn now focuses on children as spectators of contemporary art and on carpenter bee everything is assembled to its height. The exhibition consists of a mural installation and some small-format paintings that illustrate a story written by the painter herself, written in a poetics of minimalism and a warm expressive simplicity.
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