
The Alicante company Intermittent Collectioncreated by actor and director Morgan Blasco in 2019, you will enjoy the next José Estruch Theatrical Production Residency granted by Alicante Main Theater for six years to promote professional scenic production in the province. The winning project of the Col·lectiu Intermitente is based on a text by the Alicante playwright Antonio Cremades, The intruderand will be directed by another veteran of the scene, John Shepherdboth with numerous recognitions in their careers.

The intruder It is The action movie psychological that moves between reality and fiction in a story starring a couple, who live in fear of the strange appearance of an individual which triggers the couple's inner ghosts. The work resulted winner among the twelve proposals received in this sixth edition of the call, of which two more works were finalists: the first was Chaosa production of Espinho Theaterwith text from Afonso Vallejo and address of Andrés Vinachesand the second was To mix, in Ivan Gisbertwith stage direction by Guillermo Amaya; In both projects, in addition, Juanjo Llorens appears as a lighting designer, recently awarded at the first Talía Awards.


The decision for the José Estruch 2023 Residence was announced this Friday at the Alicante Main Theater by its vice-director, Maria Dolores Padilhawho highlighted "the quality of the twelve proposals presented -a higher number than in previous years-, the social commitment of the texts and participation in projects great professionals from Alicante which demonstrates the good health of Alicante's performing arts. For the first time, two finalist projects were selected because we understand that we must make them known for their quality”.

Last Tuesday, the winning project and the two finalists were unanimously chosen by the selection committee, made up of Juan Luis Mira Candelplaywright, writer, teacher and theater director; Begona Echevarría, employee of the Secretariat of Culture; and Padilla herself, in a “complex and difficult” deliberation in which “the quality of the texts, the production design and the professional career of all components” were valued.

Presentation of the winning work of the Estruch Residency at the Main Theater HECTOR SOURCES


This will be the first time that a work by Cremades will be staged at the Principal and also the first that the Colectiu Intermitente will be on this stage. Morgan Blasco thanked the award as “an important help at an economic and spatial level that represents a big push” to raise the project and expressed his special joy at being a work by Cremades that will debut at the coliseum. “His work was never represented in the Main and It is fair that he be recognized as an author of Alicante, which deserves it”.

Blasco, an admirer of Antonio Cremades' work, highlights that the project began when he learned about one of his works at the last Dramaturgy Tournament held by IVC. “I asked him and he sent me a longer version of A very well written, very current text. It is a action movie psychological and when we read we saw that it was very funnyIt's a lot of work Pinterian [by Harold Pinter] and I really wanted to work with some of his work and do something together. I passed it on to Juan Pastor and we agreed on his depth and humor and the circle was closed”, he explains.

Pastor, moreover, has been the Blasco's professor in interpretation and has already directed the first play that Col lectiu Intermitente staged in 2019, dictate. The next one was of small format, My name isand the third, in 2021, was 016. The intruder will he be fourth assembly carried out by the company, which navigate between text theater, physical theater, installation or fusion of all the labels that can be placed on the scenic event. “This play needed a lot of direction from the actors and Juan is very meticulous and methodical, like a Swiss watch, he never fails.”

The play “El intruso” will premiere on September 29th at the Alicante Main Theater HECTOR SOURCES

the playwright Antonio Cremades was awarded or finalist in more than forty contests -he is a finalist for the next Valencian Critics Prize- while Juan Pastor worked as an actor, teacher and theater director at La Guindalera, a mythical theater in Madrid that continues as a company. He teaches acting courses in different Spanish cities and from 1987 until his retirement he was a professor at RESAD. Among his awards are the Max 2015 for best private production by duet for one in T.Kempinski and the ADE 2022 Prize for publishing his book A path to active interpretation.

The residence

Col.lectiu Intermittent can perform the essay in the Nuria Espert Room of the theater at a time to be arranged for 8 weeks between the months of jJuly, August and September. He absolute debut It will be within the schedule of the Coliseum's autumn-winter 2023-2024 season and will be on Friday September 29th this year.

The Main Theater will pay for the cache of the programmed function that is €3,500 plus VAT and will also grant a incentive to production of this show for an amount of € 5.500, five hundred more than the previous year.

The work

The intruder will star Morgan Blasco and a actress to be determined Joana Sabas Pardo will direct the stage space and Mingo Albir will be at the forefront of lighting, with the production of Charlotte Guirnau and the image of Maria Cortes.

In the work, what is true and what is false is considered, as it is almost never presented in a clear and evident way. The intruder investigates the ease with which people tend to drag those who are closest and dearest to our “world”. Covers topics such as guilt, remorse, bad consciencethe fight to silence it by expelling it from us, personified here in an individual, in a stranger, in an intruder who in the end, as expected, ends up returning to his place of origin.