
Some of the winners of the first edition of the Talía Awards of the Academy of Performing Arts are related to Coslada and its Municipal Theaterwhere in some cases they held artistic and technical residencies, or premiered productions.

Mayor Ángel Viveros is proud that “our city appears several times in these Awards, and does so for having contributed its grain of sand to these productions”. “Without a doubt – he added – It is an example of the commitment we started in the last legislature towards the culture of quality and within reach of all neighbors.”


Emi Escudero, representative of Culture of Coslada, also complements the mayor's words: “it reflects the important commitment that Coslada has made in recent years to
performing arts and quality shows, supporting companies with
space assignments and through artistic and technical residency agreements allowing important previews”.

The winners

One of the winners was 'Malvivir', which won the award for best song and best concert company. This show was presented at the Municipal Theater and also 'Pharsalia', by Antonio Ruiz, awarded best choreography.

Upon receiving the award, the choreographer thanked the theaters for their support
showed and helped premiere this production, including the Teatro Municipal de Coslada.

Aitana Sánchez Gijón no Teatro Municipal durante a representação da peça 'Malvivir' em 2021. David Ruiz.
Aitana Sánchez Gijón at the Municipal Theater during the performance of the play 'Malvivir' in 2021. David Ruiz.

was also awarded the company RonLalá as the best private producer
performing arts and has performed several times in Coslada
in addition to carrying out an artistic residency in Coslada before going on tour with the show Villa y Marte.


Finally, it should be noted that the award for best direction went to Laila
Ripoll for 'TeaRooms',
work based on the text of the novel written by Luisa Carnés,
which a few days ago gave its name to the Central Library of Coslada.

Precisely, in this regard, the councilor expressed her joy at the “recognition of our dear Luisa Carnés with the theater adaptation of her work. We are very proud that our main library will bear his name.”