
There are studies that affirm the direct relationship between music and the emotions it generates in the brain.

Music is essential in people's lives. The way it influences people's lives is a relationship between several factors. The power it has over us is so great that it is capable of altering our emotional state.

Everyday life is overwhelming. Today's life is hectic, it never stops and the pace increases every day. Therefore, we have all felt the urgent need to get home and listen to music. With the simple act of turn on your headphones and play some music, our emotions change. Looks like that hectic life suddenly stops. Music has been linked to human beings since ancient times. It can be said that both have always gone hand in hand.


The need we feel to listen to music is closely related to how we feel. This is due to the music and emotional intelligence are closely linked. This relationship is what makes us opt for one musical style or another, depending on the mood we have at the moment. That's why it's not the same to listen to an album by Carly Rae Jepsen, queen of pop, when you're depressed than when you're happy. The emotions you will feel listening to pop when you are happy will be different than if you are sad.

Photography of singer Carly Rae Jepsen | Source: Instagram @carlyraejepsen

Relationship of music with emotions

In fact, there is a scientific explanation for why sounds and emotions they are connected. According to studies, it has been found that both share the same region of the brain, the prefrontal cortex. The function of emotions when hearing these sounds is to transform them into something understandable for the person. For example, it's easy to think of police sirens. Hearing this sound activates the caution and alert alarms. This is due to the the brain makes us understand the meaning of that sound. Sounds are a fundamental part of being able to decipher the environment around us.

The power that music has on our brain is such that is capable of altering our emotional state. This has the power to completely change our day. After a bad day at work or class, putting on some good music can change anyone's mood. This has an explanation, and that's it music has the ability to activate the emotional structures of the brain. It is capable of awakening the core of brain structures, responsible for creating our entire universe of emotions. For example, you can calm disturbed moods, such as fear, thanks to the harmonies of the songs.

The relationship between sounds and emotions is very close. There are sounds that our brain associates with different emotions. While higher tones are perceived in a happier way, with low tones the opposite happens. A lower tone is associated with something sad. This is why, for example, Lana del Rey's songs are associated with a more solemn feeling. As her music is slower and low tones predominate, she is more prone to contexts in which she is more depressed.


Illustrative image brain-music | Source:

At the brain There are some areas specific that they are responsible for imitation and empathy. They are activate when listening to music. It is in these areas that mirror neurons are found, which act by reflecting the emotions of others as if they were our own. Then, A song can make us feel sadness, joy or pain as if it were our own.. Maybe that's why Taylor Swift's songs are so popular. We can feel the narrative and pain of a breakup as if it had just happened to us.

Next time we do something as trivial as choosing a song, we'll have to think twice. A Happy music will stimulate the production of neurotransmitterssuch as endorphin These are responsible for the transmission of information between neurons, as well as increase optimism. This way, you will be more predisposed to action and to carry out projects. Instead, being sad and choosing to listen to slow music will do just the opposite. For this reason, perhaps the next time you are feeling sad, instead of feeding that emotion by listening Norman Fucking Rockwell by Lana del Rey, we will have to release more for a teenage dream by Katy Perry.

Cover of 'Norman Fucking Rockwell' by Lana del Rey | Source: Europa FM