
The 85th anniversary of the Salón de Otoño will host AEPE until November 25th at the Casa de Vacas in Parque del Buen Retiro, in the center of Madrid. Opening hours are Monday to Sunday, 10am to 9pm.

The input is free and brings together works by artists from different fields, prioritizing sculpture and painting with different variations.

The works are placed consciously. We cover movements of all types, from abstract art to Vruma-2 (Victoria Jaimez) to the realism of green time (Francisco Manuel Sanz Arenas), through anatomical sculptural studies such as Free by Elizosculptor. We compare the constructivist-influenced sculpture in stainless iron by Jesús del Peso, pure aestheticand works more towards the reflectionas Pastby Austin Tirado.


green time(Francisco Manuel Sanz Arenas)

brushstrokes as in Depth (José Luis Martín de Blas Aguado) who recall in theme the lilies in Monet and brushstrokes in powerful work here my lady by Guillermo de las Heras, with his play of light and shadow. We highlight the work A morning with AbujaThe collage by Mariana Álvarez, with its yellowish and reddish tones that breathe earth, sun and skin.

Long-lasting and selective exhibitions like these can lose a certain prestige knowing that they are free. However, we must remember that it is an association and that, in this case as in that of Fundación MAPFRE or LaCaixa, bringing art closer to the general public through free or low-cost exhibitions should not harm its artists and institutions, but praise them. Not because it's expensive, it's art, it's more art.

A morning with Abuja (Mariana Alvarez)